412 first floor C Road, Nehru Park, Sardarpura, Jodhpur. Rajasthan 342001

contact us

We also invite you to visit our physical store, where you can explore our gemstone collection in person and receive personalized assistance from our knowledgeable staff. Find us at 412 SARDARPURA C-D ROAD NEAR NEHRU PARK

Connect with us on social media to stay up to date with the latest news, promotions, and stunning jewelry inspirations.

We value your input and aim to continuously improve our services to exceed your expectations. Thank you for choosing JKLKATTA, and we look forward to serving you.


  • Address: 412 first floor C Road, Nehru Park, Sardarpura, Jodhpur. Rajasthan 342001
  • Phone: 9549028028
  • Email: info@jklkatta.com

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